You Just Call Out My (real) Name!

When Mom and I are out we consider ourselves “normal”. I am her service dog but it is our daily life and public access is typical for us. Many people accept us and don’t gasp, stare or comment. But there is a percentage of the population that does not realize that I go everywhere a wheelchair or a diabetic pump goes. People are quite prone to say, “Is that a blind dog?”
They need to know that there are two and only two questions a person with a service dog may legally asked:
1). Is that a service dog?
2). What work or tasks does it do?
That is it!
That is the law!
And here is how Mom feels when all the other questions are asked!

So be courteous if you aren’t already and stick to the law, and Mom and probably everyone else with service dogs will appreciate it!

Woofs and wags,

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