Freedom …and Eternal Dependents!!!

There are things that no one told Mom before she received a service dog. It is hard to explain the amazing sense of freedom that Dash and I give her! Mom is able to drive, volunteer, keep doctor’s appointments, shop for necessities, and go out for meals. We get her up on time, remind her to take her meds and let her know if she has a medical issue.

But no one can explain, in advance, the onslaught of attention and the variety of responses that must be dealt with when one has a service dog like me! It is a constant source of attention whether Mom wants it or not. Attention that she must deal with politely and positively before tending to her own needs or wants. No one mentions or truly explains the enormity of this task when one considers getting a service dog. Believe me, the types of attention are not always nice and people are not observant that Mom may be exhausted and have needs of her own…

And, having a service dog means despite the increased freedom, me = we. Mom is now basically responsible for herself and me and Dash, who have the basic ability of toddlers and will never grow older. We require food, drink, shelter, ongoing training, protection, love, and medical care. It is a 24 hour / 7 day a week responsibility. Planning for trips, illness, holidays, and emergencies is required. Their is no divorce for service dogs. You, the owner, must be prepared and plan for “until death do you part…” but it is not always clear as you take those first steps toward “freedom”! Mom had a helpful husband and they thought it through carefully. Dash and I are a big responsibility but Mom and Dad were ready for it!!

Yes, we service dogs bring freedom but we are are eternal Dependents, too! Just think consider all the tough questions as you you take take this leap forward!

Woofs and wags,

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