Flying the Friendly Skies…with Fido!

Mom has been planning a trip that may include flying. So she has been doing her research about traveling with me, her service dog, and actively participating in online discussions to obtain information regarding the best options for us. In doing so, we discovered a couple pieces of important information! Only service dogs are covered by Federal Law and fly free with their handlers but each airline has some extra rules. The ACAA (Air Carrier Access Act) governs what occurs in the air thus it has slightly different wording and each airline interprets it slightly differently but public access for individuals with SDs is supported.
This is a good reference to have on hand: ADA link
Another thing to note is that working dogs which are deployed ( federal, state or local) are allowed in the passenger cabin per state and airline guidelines. It is a complicated situation but these dogs, too, will be clearly identified and well trained. Another excellent reference for learning airline requirements is : airline guidelines
Bottom line: SDs have public access. Working dogs have limited access per state and airline guidelines when deployed, and pets NEVER have cabin access unless crated and paying a fee.

Hope you learned as much as we did!
Woofs and wags,