People Say the Darnest Things

People say the Darnest things when we are out and about. Public access with a service dog is not new to the United States but it is clear from the humorous responses Mom and I are about to share that many people have not been exposed to a variety of service dogs or service dog etiquette.

Mom was walking me then stopped and texted Dad. A person walked up and said, “Is that a blind dog?”

Nope! I am not blind nor is Mom. See what gear a blind dog wears for its handler.

Another time, Mom parked her car and unloaded me while two men watched. Again she was asked, “Is that a blind dog?”
Guess what she said? “We both have great vision but I only let the dog drive the John Deere Tractor!”

20131030-065229.jpg That is my trainer, Liz, and her dog, Trazer, driving.
One person actually said, “Can I buy your dog? It is so well trained.”

20131030-065718.jpg That is how Mom felt!!!!

Kids are pretty amazing in the things they say as well!

An often asked question is, “Does your dog bite?”

If I could answer, I would say, “No, Mom is more likely to bite than me – LOL!”

“Does your dog bark?” kids ask.

We all bark. But I only bark if someone comes on our property or enters the house when Dad is not home.

“Is that a bear?” we sometimes hear.

This is a bear. We dogs look quite different. Mom has been known to say to adults, “Yes, and I have a zoological permit!”

“What do you need a dog for? Tell me.”

“Invisible disabilities.” This comment and a smile tends to stop questions.

And that is how Mom and I deal with being a team, navigating public access, and some of the Darnest Things that occur on a near daily basis …at least in our imagination!

Woofs and wags,