People Say the Darnest Things

People say the Darnest things when we are out and about. Public access with a service dog is not new to the United States but it is clear from the humorous responses Mom and I are about to share that many people have not been exposed to a variety of service dogs or service dog etiquette.

Mom was walking me then stopped and texted Dad. A person walked up and said, “Is that a blind dog?”

Nope! I am not blind nor is Mom. See what gear a blind dog wears for its handler.

Another time, Mom parked her car and unloaded me while two men watched. Again she was asked, “Is that a blind dog?”
Guess what she said? “We both have great vision but I only let the dog drive the John Deere Tractor!”

20131030-065229.jpg That is my trainer, Liz, and her dog, Trazer, driving.
One person actually said, “Can I buy your dog? It is so well trained.”

20131030-065718.jpg That is how Mom felt!!!!

Kids are pretty amazing in the things they say as well!

An often asked question is, “Does your dog bite?”

If I could answer, I would say, “No, Mom is more likely to bite than me – LOL!”

“Does your dog bark?” kids ask.

We all bark. But I only bark if someone comes on our property or enters the house when Dad is not home.

“Is that a bear?” we sometimes hear.

This is a bear. We dogs look quite different. Mom has been known to say to adults, “Yes, and I have a zoological permit!”

“What do you need a dog for? Tell me.”

“Invisible disabilities.” This comment and a smile tends to stop questions.

And that is how Mom and I deal with being a team, navigating public access, and some of the Darnest Things that occur on a near daily basis …at least in our imagination!

Woofs and wags,

Family Brunch

Yesterday was a special day in our house! All the kids and the first grandchild came came home for a family brunch! Mom and Dad were really excited!! They cleaned and decorated the house, shopped for food and prepared a special meal.

Dad cooked lovely bacon and sausage but he did not offer any to Dash or me. Our noses quivered with excitement and our mouths watered but not one person slipped a morsel to us! Everyone sat at the big table.

20131021-072434.jpg Where were we? Mom put us in her room. I was on a long down stay and Dash was doing a “go place” on his mat. So unfair!!! All the fun was in the kitchen with the family. Then there was the fuss over the cute little mini human everyone called “Bryce the Grandchild”! He smelled so sweet. We just wanted to be close to him to. Everyone took turns holding him and passing him around. I tried and tried to have my turn to be close to him but his Mom had never seen a big dog and was not comfortable. Mom took these cute pictures for me.

20131021-073053.jpg I hope “Bryce the Grandchild” that smells so good will be able to pet me soon. I think we will like each other.
And, Mom saved some bacon and sausage bits for rewards for our down and “go place”. After everyone one ate, We were released and we joined the kids in the kitchen. We got lots of lovings and pats. It was awesome to have the kids visit. But we still did not get to play with “Bryce the Grandchild”. Maybe another time. Our family brunch was a great success!

Woofs and wags,

Friday: TGIF

At last it is Friday! T.G.I.F. It has been a “ruff” week!! Yesterday we had three substitutes before 8:30! Whew- the kids were glad Mom and I were there to help things stay on track in Ms. S’s class. They like consistency. So do we. Then we went to Ms. A’s class and it seemed like someone unleashed the flying monkeys. But we got through it with teamwork! Did I mention that we had to deal with Dad’s car breaking down as well!?!?! It sure pours when it rains!! But we have made it to Friday and I am updating my Facebook status:

Hope y’all have a great Friday and a super weekend!

Woofs and wags,

Oh! Monday…

Oh, Monday- you have arrived. Mom is sleeping and it is 6:40 AM. Now this is not usual. She has fed us and walked us. We have cuddled back up to her because she told us the plan for the day and none of us liked it. In fact, I put on my biggest pout and flounced out of the room when I realized that we were not going to be collaborating today, we were not going to see our kids and we were not going to school. I hate it when Mom is sick on Mondays. Here is what I feel like:

20130107-114957.jpgI am looking forward to a healthy Tuesday!

Woofs and wags,


Howl-0-ween Treat!

Sometimes Halloween can be scary or dangerous for dogs. Raisins, chocolate, and artificial sweeteners can be toxic to dogs! Many dogs have not been exposed to a variety of people, sights, sounds and clothing so costumes and silly behavior can be very frightening. Taking care of you dog is very important and Mom took time to introduce me to costumes and to learn the command “leave it” so I don ‘t touch or eat yucky things!
On the other hand, Halloween is Mom and Aunt Krista’s anniversary for the beginning of their friendship. I was not sure what to think of a human wearing this thing ( a witch’s hat) on her head as Aunt Krista was when we first met her. But mom’s calm reaction showed me that it was fine to approach even though I quite certain I did not want to greet that waving black thing with netting and spiders. This year I had no problems with people in costumes. In fact, I did not notice that they were dressed up – LOL. Here is a picture of Aunt Krista in her hat!

This year I went as “Bella Bear”. I did not have to dress up. It would have been a little difficult for two reasons. We were spending the entire day at school ( witch wears us out) and we were attending a field trip so I needed to wear my public access gear for service dog work to accompany mom.
I did sport my new Therapy Bandana for CARE class so everyone could see it and then got dressed in my gear for the field trip.

We had a full day planned! We met with our CARE ( advisory) class and compared costumes.

Then we focused on health with a Zombie walk at the track, learning a “thrilling” dance for 20 minutes for our hearts, and finally doing a health quiz in the library.

First we learned the steps with our teachers.


Suddenly, it was time to head for the field trip buses. First we went to the Kentucky Center for the Arts. We saw “the Kentucky Show”. It is all about Kentucky. Mom was tapping her feet because she liked the music by Bill Munroe, Sam Bush, and Nappy Roots. (She has met all of them in person!). We ate our lunch there.
Then we went to the water tower to learn about our water company and its history in Louisville. (Bet you did not know Mom worked on a water treatment facility in Texas for three straight summers! ). Here I am watching the speaker while Mom is watching you. There were some awesome questions from our group!

It was a long day and we were glad to be on the bus home again. Oh, this was my first ride on a school bus. Everyone was very proud of me. I wondered what the fuss was about…I am Bella -of course, I have good manners and “Noe” what to do! But I was a little surprised we all fit three to a seat! Tee Hee


Aren’t we just adorable in that second picture?
At the end of the day, I was one tired Newfy!

Woofs n wags,


Miss Me? Boo

Have you missed me yet? I am so iconic, so XL, XLoving, and XFluffy-how could you not miss me? I am certain that our wonderful staff that keeps our building clean knows I am gone because my “mustaches” are not on the floor even though Mom and Aunt Krista collect as many as they can.
Ms. McDowell has not had her weekly de-stress visit. Miss Anna Rose has not had her “pupdates” when we sign in and out.

Today (Friday) I had really had enough of this stay at home business. Seriously, we have not been anywhere fun since the last time I came to school! I have not been to a single restaurant or shop. I miss school! I knew it was a school day and I wanted Mom to take me.

At 5 AM, I got up and took my walk. Then at 5:30 AM, I insisted on breakfast. At 5:45 AM, I insisted on attention and brushing. My goal was to get Mom to understand that we were GOing. Mom just did not get the message. So I went to our “formal” communication system.

See how I tap her leg with my right paw and look into her eyes? It is the first step in our chain of communication. It means, “Pay Attention”.

Mom did pay attention. She asked me about taking a walk and about water. I was not interested. I just put my head down. Then she said, ” Bella, I bet you know it’s Friday. I bet you want to go to school”. I jumped off the bed and did my happy dance.

Mom did not join me. Dad had knee surgery. Want to see a picture?

Trick or Treat- that is from his 2009 surgery!
Here is the surgery picture from October 23, 2012.

Dad is recovering from his 2nd surgery following The Assault. He had a meniscus tear, a neuroma removed and scar tissue scraped off the previous incision. The good news is that he should recover fully, have no more pain, and feel like he is 39 again. We are tail waggin’ happy!

Woofs and wags,


A “Work in Progress”

We are ready to share some pictures of the hard work we did to prepare for the kids! Let me tell you a little about that process. Mom and Aunt Krista brainstormed. Then Aunt K braved the construction dust and went to Noe Middle School to locate her boxed materials, materials boxed by others for the two new reading programs, and to gather some furniture. Mom and I had to stay out of the dust.

It was a huge project and there were about thirty boxes but no bookshelves! Aunt Krista called mom and Dad and they helped with that. So what did we do? Mom and I brought Lattes, I did a great down and was there to de- stress, and they arranged furniture, inventoried books, set up computers, and postered the walls. I think you will like our classroom. We consider it a “work in progress”.

This is next to the door. Our hallway expectations are on the board. On the cart are our hand sanitizer and turn in basket!

Love our wall board, overhead projector, and computer!

Our reading programs!

Student tables with baskets of supplies. Thanks, Ms. Krista!

One of our reading programs- and “wall art”.

The book nook library!

I relax here but kids, well, they work here! Welcome to our classroom~a “work in progress”.

Woofs and wags,


Familiar Spaces

We are beginning our 2012-13 year on the right paw! Mom and I are meeting students and introducing ourselves while our new “duds” are being embroidered with cool logos! It is a great situation because our class lists are not set and Miss Krista does not have students assigned to her. It helps the students to understand that they should not grab me in the hallway and to respect my space.

What is really special about returning this year is something that I heard in PD or professional development. We have honed our cultural competency in the area of assistance dogs. Almost all of our teachers model exemplary manners around an individual with a service dog. This year students responded with quiet questions and delighted interest! Those that did not like me (big sad face) or were scared of me expressed their feelings appropriately. Mom was very impressed with the way the school climate had changed! Last year we were welcomed but this year we returned “home” to our Noe Middle School Family!
Aunt Jana even had special gifts for me and my brother, Dash! Thank you so much! Woofs and wags, Bella
