Family Brunch

Yesterday was a special day in our house! All the kids and the first grandchild came came home for a family brunch! Mom and Dad were really excited!! They cleaned and decorated the house, shopped for food and prepared a special meal.

Dad cooked lovely bacon and sausage but he did not offer any to Dash or me. Our noses quivered with excitement and our mouths watered but not one person slipped a morsel to us! Everyone sat at the big table.

20131021-072434.jpg Where were we? Mom put us in her room. I was on a long down stay and Dash was doing a “go place” on his mat. So unfair!!! All the fun was in the kitchen with the family. Then there was the fuss over the cute little mini human everyone called “Bryce the Grandchild”! He smelled so sweet. We just wanted to be close to him to. Everyone took turns holding him and passing him around. I tried and tried to have my turn to be close to him but his Mom had never seen a big dog and was not comfortable. Mom took these cute pictures for me.

20131021-073053.jpg I hope “Bryce the Grandchild” that smells so good will be able to pet me soon. I think we will like each other.
And, Mom saved some bacon and sausage bits for rewards for our down and “go place”. After everyone one ate, We were released and we joined the kids in the kitchen. We got lots of lovings and pats. It was awesome to have the kids visit. But we still did not get to play with “Bryce the Grandchild”. Maybe another time. Our family brunch was a great success!

Woofs and wags,